Why SERVPRO- No Job too Big
11/26/2019 (Permalink)

As winter approaches in Northeastern Pa. and Nor'easterns n bombgenises become commonplaces, SERVPRO of Carbondale/Clarks Summit/Old Forge is gearing up to meet the winter demands. The heavy snow, ice storms leading to ice dams, freezing temperatures causing frozen and burst pipes, over-worked furnaces malfunctioning; all of these typical winter issues can lead to the need of some form of disaster recovery service and we remain ready to meet the needs of our Lackawanna County customers.
What makes SERVPRO different from many other restoration companies is our ability to handle large commercial disasters and/or multiple residential issues with the same speed and quality that you would demand from a brand like SERVPRO. Our ability to partner with other local franchises and the availability of our corporate storm team provides us with the additional skilled restoration teams to ensure that our customers are getting their needs met with a brand they can trust.
So when the demand is great know that SERVPRO of Carbondale/Clarks Summit/Old Forge is ready to meet it.